Remember kids, if you hide under the covers, the monsters can’t get you.
Wait… so, instead of getting peanut butter treats once a day, now I’m getting them three times a day? Is that right?
Yes, I see the kibble. Where are the eggs and peanut butter?
My human is in the kitchen, therefore I get treats.
This is a good system.
Peanut Butter Sandwich!
Oh boy! Oh boy! I got my very own peanut butter sandwich! Yum!
Trick or What?
Kids keep coming to the door, but nobody’s bringing me any peanut butter sandwiches. What’s that all about?
Where Is It?
Never mind that dumb squirrel, where’s the ice cream truck?
Heat Advisory
1) Even on a 72 degree day, a car can heat up to 116 degrees in a matter of minutes. Cracking the windows DOES NOT slow the rise in temperature.
2) Exposure to heat can cause your pet to suffer brain damage, heart problems, liver damage, systematic organ failure, or death within a matter of minutes.
3) Dogs to not sweat and can only attempt cool themselves by panting (which is not efficient).
Consider yourself warned! If you’re not the brick wielding type and you see an animal or child locked in a car, CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY!
Warm Enough?
Too hot to go outside today. In fact, I think I’m gonna stay in until it goes back to being only 60 or so — like September.
Grammar Lesson
It is never proper to say “It is raining cats and dogs.” The correct phrase is “dogs and cats,” not the other way around.