It may only feel like 20 degrees out, but I’m not wearing any pants!
Dog Facial Expressions #16
This means, “Ugh. Is it morning already?”
Dog Facial Expressions #15
This means, “OK, maybe I shouldn’t have stayed up so late.”
Dog Facial Expressions #14
This means, “But it’s too early for bed! I want to stay up!”
Dog Facial Expressions #13
This means, “Yes, I’m comfy, but where are you sleeping?”
Dog Facial Expressions on Christmas
This means, “Santa got me a really neat toy to play with! Thank you Santa!”
Merry Christmas from Maxtla and his family.
Dog Facial Expressions on Christmas Eve
This means, “I’m gonna go see Christmas lights!”
Dog Facial Expressions #12
This means, “What are you talking about? My eyes are much smaller than my stomach.”
Bird Facial Expressions #1
This means the bird has figured out the dog’s password!
Squawk! Pretty bird!
Dog Facial Expressions #11
This means, “Hey! That’s my toy!”
(No, it’s mine! Mine! Mine!….)